2021 Impact Report

April 5, 2022

Dear Friends,

“And first place goes to The Kilgoris Project,” the emcee of the Nairobi-based Daima Trust Awards gala ceremony announced in March of 2021. Our stunned team could hardly believe their ears. The emcee repeated himself. The third announcement sunk in, and our team leapt to the stage to accept their trophy. TKP was recognized for “Best Collaborative Approach to Community-based Development”.

We couldn’t be prouder of this recognition and the impactful work you make possible. As we look back at 2021, we do so with a huge amount of gratitude. Our teams continued to tackle pandemic-related challenges with grace and innovation to maintain services for our 1,635 TKP students.

Your big-hearted gifts fueled incredible education, health care, nutrition, and economic development programs in rural Kenya. Your generosity reached a new milestone in 2021—more than $1 million in gifts to The Kilgoris Project—a first in our 18+ year history! Each one of those dollars impacts children in our 12 schools.

Read on in this 2021 Impact Report to see the exceptional returns of your generous investments, your faithful partnership, and your prayers. Think of this as a virtual gala invitation and a chance to swell with pride as we share the trophy with you.

We can’t serve the children and families of Kilgoris without you! Asante sana!

With Gratitude,

Caren McNelly McCormack
President and Co-Founder

David Lemiso
Executive Director