2020 Impact Report

Dear Friends,

One year ago, a new reality hit for all of us. Educational authorities sent students home. Travel disappeared. And an upcoming fundraising campaign looked shaky.

Even in those uncertain times, it was your faithful partnership, love and prayers that allowed our TKP team to continue serving our incredible students, their families, and the Kilgoris community. We have so much to be thankful for.

With your unwavering generosity, we found creative ways to serve our 1,400 students and families, we kept our talented staff fully employed, and we joyfully welcomed students back to clean, fully-stocked classrooms in January of 2021.


As 2020 unfolded, our team quickly found ways to serve students outside the classroom. From your gifts during our April campaign, we delivered food assistance to our most vulnerable students, providing their families and caregivers with monthly staple grocery kits.

Once we met students’ basic nutrition needs, we turned to meeting their social and educational needs, as well. On campus, students picked up pencils, erasers and grade-level workbooks so they could continue learning at home. And in August, we began our Village Classroom program—small, socially-distanced, neighborhood gatherings reconnecting TKP students and teachers. These outdoor classrooms also allowed our health team to check the students’ safety, health and overall well-being.


We’re grateful to share 2020 was our most successful fundraising year to-date. From grant funders, to church partnerships, to the thousands of individual donors we count on—everyone showed up in big ways to support TKP students. We felt the love and generosity all year.

With strong income (and lower expenses because school was out of session), TKP is well positioned to grow and continue to invest in the young hearts, minds and bodies of our students.

Read on in this 2020 Impact Report to see the exceptional impact of your generous gifts. More than ever, we thank you for your continued support and faithful partnership.

While we still don’t know how efforts to fight the pandemic will unfold through the year, we do know we’re well-positioned to continue serving Kilgoris’ kids. Bring on 2021!

Caren McNelly McCormack
President and Co-Founder

David Lemiso
Executive Director